Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good ;P

Outfit : Shirt- Anne Fontaine, Tie-From my brother's school uniform, Skirt- American Apparel Boots- Thrifted
I'll never be accepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry but it's always been one of my dreams. I've been a fan since the beginning so I thought I'd go out with a bang by dressing up as a Hogwarts school girl from the house of Gryffindor of course. I thought I was being creative and cut a small branch off a tree to use as a wand, but once I arrived I saw electronic wands that sparkled and made sound affects; I quickly ditched my sorry twig. So 7 books and 8 movies later I've never grown out of my Harry Potter obsession but I have fallen in love with Twilight. I can't wait to dress up as a Vampire ha. although I must admit I am a bit stumped all I can think of is fangs,fangs,fangs and thanks to Stephanie Meyer Vampires don't have any but Stay tuned.

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